Sleeping Mats

Each sleeping mat requires about 800 grocery/ shopping bags to complete. Before a bag can be turned into plarn, it will be smoothed and folded in a very specific manner. Three inch wide strips are cut and assembled together to create plastic yarn , also known as "plarn". A large crochet hook is used and a large rectangle is created. Each mat is about 6 ft by 54 inches, with ties and a shoulder strap so it is easy to carry.  

We accept donations of clean, dry plastic bags. They can be placed in the Blessing Box at our building

( 1353 Brinkley Rd. Murfreesboro, TN). The box is open 24 hours a day. We would also clove to teach you to make these mats, please see our calendar for "Hats & Mats" events.

Completed mats are donated to local homeless communities.